**Terms and Conditions of Presale**

1) The potential customer fully understands and accepts without reservation that the legal, juridical, civil, economic, and fiscal relationship arising from the purchase of said product shall be understood as “between the private buyer” and the “company that manufactures/distributes the product.”

2) The potential customer is aware, informed, and cognizant that Todaydiscounted, economically, legally, and fiscally, is only an external company operating in the field of online marketing, and by virtue of its corporate purpose, may choose to engage in the “implementation of advertising campaigns” for goods or services produced/distributed/marketed by production/distribution/marketing companies; which choose to promote their products/services through affiliate networks, to which Saldipertutti is also temporarily affiliated. In other words, Todaydiscounted selects products/services present in various affiliate networks, studies the brand, and implements at its own expense an online marketing strategy that leverages the various channels made available by the network (e.g., e-commerce, eBay, social networks, etc.) WITH THE PURPOSE of generating useful contacts (potential customers), who show interest in the products/services. It connects these potential customers with the manufacturing/distribution/marketing companies that own the products/services, transferring the data and any payment through the appropriate contact forms provided by the affiliate network that proposes and offers without obligation to the external affiliate Saldipertutti, to work on its own in the creation and implementation of advertising campaigns independently.

3) The potential customer accepts without reservation that the data entered after clicking the purchase button may be used by Todaydiscounted exclusively to be transferred to manufacturers/distributors/companies through special contact forms provided by the affiliate network that proposes and offers without obligation to the external affiliate Saldipertutti, to operate independently in the creation and execution of advertising campaigns on its own. In addition, the potential customer agrees to receive future contacts from Todaydiscounted to propose new commercial offers related to this product.

4) Todaydiscounted does not guarantee that the products will be shipped from warehouses located in Italy or San Marino, and that the shipment will be carried out through appropriate couriers, but only that the shipment will respect the delivery time once the potential customer confirms the presale with the distributor manufacturer and an actual commercial transaction is concluded between the two parties.

[email protected]



PRATO – 59100