Pre-sale terms and conditions

1) The potential customer accepts without reservation and is aware that the juridical, legal, civil, economic and fiscal relationship deriving from the purchase of this product must be understood as “between the private buyer” and the “company that produces/distributes the product”.

2) the potential customer is aware, informed and aware that todaydiscounted, economically, legally, fiscally, legally, is only an external company that operates in the online marketing sector, and which by virtue of its corporate purpose, can choose to deal with “carrying out advertising campaigns” of goods or services produced/distributed/marketed by production/distribution/commercial companies; who choose to promote their products/services through affiliate networks, to which todaydiscounted is affiliated even temporarily. In other words, todaydiscounted chooses the products/services present in the various affiliate networks, studies the brand and implements at its own expense an online marketing strategy that takes advantage of the various channels made available by the network (for example e-commerce, eBay, social network, etc.), IN ORDER to generate useful contacts (leads/prospects), who show interest in the products/services. And connect these potential customers with the manufacturing/distribution/commercial companies that own the products/services, transferring the data and any payments through the appropriate contact forms made available by the affiliate network that proposes and offers without obligation to the affiliate external todaydiscounted, to work on your own in the creation and implementation of your own advertising campaigns.

3) the potential customer accepts without reservation that the data entered after clicking on the purchase button can be used by the todaydiscounted company exclusively to be transferred to manufacturing/distributing/commercial companies via specific contact forms made available by the affiliate network that offers and offers without obligation towards the external Affiliate todaydiscounted to operate on its own in the creation and execution of its own advertising campaigns. In addition to this, the potential customer agrees to receive new contacts from todaydiscounted in the future to propose new commercial offers relating to this product.

4) Pre-order The potential customer fully accepts that by clicking the buy/add to cart button, he is simply placing a pre-order with a person in charge of running advertising campaigns, and not with a merchant or the actual manufacturer/product of the distributor . This is because: 4a) due to the nature of the product, the actual manufacturer/distributor may contact you and ensure that you can actually use the product. Only then, between you (consumer/potential customer) and the manufacturing/distribution company will a commercial transaction be completed and you will go from potential customer to customer and the order will be effective. 4b) todaydiscounted is not a trader, it is not the owner of the product, it is not physically in possession of it, it matters little, it sends or markets the object of this announcement in any way. Only when your data is in possession and used by the manufacturing/distributing company, between you if the conditions exist (your pre-order confirmation) will a commercial transaction be concluded and you will go from potential customer to customer of the creator company. /distribution company and the order will be effective.

5) Guarantees 5a) todaydiscounted guarantees to safeguard the potential customer’s data with the diligence of a good family man, as well as every payment from the moment the order is placed in advance until the actual transfer to the manufacturing/distributing company. trader and non-trader and/or manufacturer/distributor of the product; and you have activated the ad only to generate a non-purchase lead, and therefore a useful contact and NOT a commercial transaction, guarantees the lead: assistance as far as possible in any problem that has arisen with the manufacturer/distributor without being legally, fiscally and commercially obligated.

6) This announcement is aimed exclusively at natural persons and not at companies. todaydiscounted does not have financial and economic relationships with the production/distribution companies, but only with the affiliate network that makes the offer available on which to build an advertising campaign. From this it can be deduced that company invoicing requests can only be requested from manufacturing/distributing companies, only during the confirmation phone call, which they will choose to use depending on their tax regime. And not at todaydiscounted, since he himself, due to the nature of the pre-order, is not sure of receiving compensation for the contact generated alone, but receives a non-detailed compensation.

7) todaydiscounted does not guarantee that the products are shipped from warehouses located in Italy or San Marino, and that the shipment takes place via specific couriers, but only that the shipment respects the delivery times once the potential customer confirms the pre-order and a commercial transaction is actually concluded between the two parties.

8) The potential customer accepts without reservation that todaydiscounted is not fiscally, legally, legally and civilly responsible for any type of dispute and/or problem of any nature arising from the order confirmation and use of the product marketed by the manufacturing company / reseller in this listing. For any dispute, consult the manufacturer/distributor whose company data is always shown on the packaging.

9) The potential customer accepts without reservation that todaydiscounted is required to refund only for purchases made with the Paypal payment system, and only in cases in which the distributor/manufacturer of the product receives the return request within the terms and methods provided by law, and above all only sealed products. In the absence of a stamp, no refund will be made.

10) todaydiscounted does not guarantee the truthfulness of the information provided by the affiliate network and distributors/producers, does not guarantee compliance with current regulations by the aforementioned subjects, having no obligation as a marketing agency to verify anything regarding the advertised product . In this regard, the potential customer accepts without reservation that in relation to this product, the image is provided by the manufacturer/distributor’s catalogue, the packaging may differ down to the smallest details, as the manufacturer/distributor reserves the right to modify at its sole discretion judgment such details. Furthermore, since manufacturers are always striving to improve the products offered, the potential customer also accepts that the contents of the product may be different from the description because it has undergone improvements in terms of concentration and ingredients by the manufacturer. You can become aware of this agreement at the time of telephone confirmation.

11) The potential customer accepts that the main payment method for this product is cash on delivery (cash on delivery) and that this will only happen after telephone confirmation and only after receiving the product from the manufacturer/distributor. If the potential customer chooses another payment method, todaydiscounted will be able to choose whether to immediately reimburse the customer and transfer the pre-order data to the distributor/manufacturer who, having received the purchase confirmation, will ship the goods. upon delivery. . Or without any commercial restrictions arising to collect the payment to transfer it together with the data to the distributor/manufacturer through the contact forms made available by the affiliate network.

12) todaydiscounted is not responsible for what any other online company, on any web page external or internal to our e-commerce, states about the product which is the subject of the advertising campaign.

13) In this advertisement nothing is guaranteed, nothing miraculous is promised, the user is NOT encouraged with deceptive stratagems to pre-order the product taking advantage of needs and inconveniences of any nature. By clicking on the purchase button and pre-ordering the product in this advert, the potential customer is aware of wanting to be contacted by the distributor/manufacturer to purchase a “product of his own free will, without any guarantee of result, without the scam guarantee that is usually found around satisfied or refunded.” FURTHERMORE, todaydiscounted RECOMMENDS that the potential customer proceeds with the pre-order ONLY if he is sure, following medical advice, that he can come into contact with the product and that its ingredients can actually bring benefits. In addition to medical advice,

14) The purchase of the product by minors is prohibited. The purchase by a minor can normally be declared null and void, as the minor under eighteen does not have the capacity to act. This gives parents the right to demand reimbursement of the amount spent, also canceling the consequences of the distance contract. However, this principle does not apply in cases where the minor has concealed or falsified his or her age through deceptive behavior or by declaring that he or she is an adult when registering on this site.

15) based on article 52 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 and its subsequent amendments and additions, except for the exceptions referred to in article 59 of the same decree, the consumer has a period of fourteen days to withdraw from a contract remotely or negotiated outside commercial premises without having to give any reason and without having to incur expenses other than those provided for in the art. 56, paragraph 2, and art. the day the product is received at home.

16) As regards shipping times, the potential customer, by accepting the pre-order nature by clicking on the buy/add the product to the cart button and providing his/her data, accepts without reservation that the operating hours of the distributing/producing company are the following: – Pre-order submitted by 2.00 pm, telephone call within 2 hours and 30 minutes of telephone confirmation for the packaging of the object and collection by the distributor/manufacturer’s courier and delivery in 1 or 2 days working. – Pre-order placed after 2pm, phone call within 12 hours and 30 minutes of telephone confirmation for packaging and collection of the item by the distributor/manufacturer’s courier, and delivery in 1 or 2 working days.

17) Due to the purely advertising nature of the service, any negative comment, even if only in the comment due to the ineffectiveness of the product, released without testing, will be reported for removal and removed.

18) todaydiscounted, the affiliate network, the distribution/production companies cannot in any way be held responsible in the event of the appearance of pathologies and/or any type of physical condition indicated as discomfort or in any case negative for health. This is because it is included in point 13 of these terms and conditions, information which advises the potential customer BEFORE pre-ordering, to consult their doctor and/or specialist, to find out for sure whether their physical condition allows them to take or enter contact with the product in any way, without running any risk to your health. Not only is the potential buyer informed so that he is more aware of the risks deriving from contact with the product in his specific case,

19) No term written and used on any online platform by the platform’s staff, for any reason, can be interpreted as modifying the corporate nature of todaydiscounted. For example, if e-commerce or other platforms identify todaydiscounted as a seller, this does not mean that it is actually a company that has a commercial purpose, or that offers advertisements to sell and/or lead to a direct commercial transaction. between you and a potential client.

By making a purchase and therefore a payment, you accept every word of what is written.

All rights reserved

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